Computer Volume

Computer Volume
Keep it Medium!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Question of the Week!

We're starting out the new year with a "new" prompt to think about! Please respond in no less than one complete paragraph. '-)
new password: reflection

Click here

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Neha, 4th Grade

Christmas ABC Poem

A lot of people are getting ready for Christmas

Be in a good mood to celebrate this holiday

Children are excited about the different gifts they are going to recieve

Decorated houses every where

Everybody is waiting for this beautiful and jolly holiday to come

Friends will give presents to each other

Going to celebrate the prettiest holiday in the year

Ho, ho, ho little children act like Santa

I love the holiday of Christmas

Jolly seasons

Kids are really happy and are waiting for some delicious treats

Love the month of December

My favorite date is December 25th

Nice holiday decorations everywhere

Oh, I can't wait I wish Christmas was here today

Precious moments

Queens is going to be covered in snow

Rushing people all over the place

Santa Claus is going to give children presents

Today is December 20th only 5 more days until Christmas

U would love this month

Vushhhh, as the run in the street through the snow

We love the snow

X-celent christmas tree decorations everywhere

You would get many treats on Christmas

Zooomm, zooommm the children say as they are playing with their toys

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How to Write a ABCs Poem

Monday, December 13, 2010

Animal Research
Class 4-308
There are a lot of good choices here! Enjoy....

a. white-faced saki
b. Gila monster
c. silver langur
d. wallaroo
e. muntjac
f. black rhinoceros
g. meerkat
h. Jaguar
i. Cheetah
j. Ocelot
k Leopard
l. Cougar
m. Gray Wolf
n. Brown Bear
o. Asiatic Lion
p. Steller Sea-lion
q. Red Wolf
r. Jaguarundi
s. Blue Whale
t. Giant Panda
u. Chimpanzee
v. Sand Cat
w. Tiger
x. Margay
x. Tasmanian
z. Forester
aa. Kangaroo
bb. Argali
cc. Mediterranean Monk Seal
dd. Aye-aye
ee. Hawaiian Monk Seal
ff. African Wild Dog
gg. Mantled Howler Monkey

The Task

Using the Internet, you will learn about the life and habitat of animals.

1. Read and collect facts about your animals using the Internet. (DO NOT copy and paste text. Read it, and put what you want to use in YOUR OWN words!

2. Things to research: size (height and weight), food, habitat, adaptations, enemies and two (2) WOW facts. WOW facts are information that makes you say "WOW" when you read them. Describe your animal and discuss the five senses of that animal (hearing, tasting, feeling, touching, smelling)

Write down any questions you may still have about your animal, and you can get help from the library, tech or the science lab.

3. You will be writing a book. But, you may use your text to write a digital picture book about one of your animals, a video or a podcast for your computer grade. We will be learning about how to create using these methods in class.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010


DUE: December 6th, the History of Computers Webquest and the Question of the Week

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Concerning Technology Projects

All technology projects given are based on 4th grade national standards. These projects are to "stretch" student creativity, aptitude, increased grade level skills, so therefore, students should be able to complete them in the ample time - two week increments. Instructions are posted on the blog. Although instructions should have been easy to understand, I will ensure that procedures are going to be made "easier" for ALL to understand.

All projects are ongoing! They are broken down by due dates, description of what is due, and I think two weeks to do these 4th grade national standard projects is more than enough time. There should be no excuses for work not being completed. If work is incomplete, it will be returned for revision. When items need to be emailed to me, I will indicate that!javascript:void(0)