Computer Volume

Computer Volume
Keep it Medium!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Prompts for the Month of November

Each writing prompt begins in class. Please continue to work on your story at home. Send your first draft to me by email before the end of each school week (Fridays)

Prompt 1. Once upon a time there was a turkey who never....

Any writing assignments began in class are expected to be completed at home, and emailed to Ms. Silverberg.

Thank you!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Download of Data Sheet

Below is a link for History of Webquests Data Collection Sheet, and the Grading sheet (so you'll know what's expected.)
Thanks very much!
PS, You can email me if you have questions. I can't fix what I don't know about! So I need your input as well!

Data Sheet

Example of Grade Expectations

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Burning Question of the Week! BQOW

Hi Tekkids,

Kids like us have many questions about ourselves, friends, family, school and everyday decisions. While reading the question, think about how you would answer it, and respond by clicking the link below. Ask your friends/family to answer it too and see if their response is different from yours. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. Your response is determined by what you believe!

Every week, there will be a "Burning Question." Please click on the following link to respond. (If you remember, all my writing assignments require a minimum of ONE paragraoh. This reminder won't be given every time you have to do writing. So please try and remember the basics.) You will not be graded on your answer, but that you did responded to BQOW


Monday, November 8, 2010

History of Computers Webquest

A "BIT" of Info About Computers
A WebQuest about the History of Computers

DUE: Week of December 6, 2010

Who came up with the idea of a computer or how computers were invented? You will get your chance to find all about computers with this WebQuest!


You are a research analyst for a millionaire who is interested in starting her own computer business. Your job is to find out all you can about computers- why they are made the way they are-and to present your findings to your boss in the form of a presentation.


Click on the link below to begin your research on the History of computers. Record what you find on your Data Sheet.

The History of Computers

Once you have completed your research, exit out of the Internet and open a drawing program (KidPix, NetPaint, Paint (Windows), Appleworks. If you need help, please Kontactr Ms. Silverberg

Create illustrations using the Checklist your teacher gave you. Be sure to include all the important information that you found during your Internet research.

Present your artwork to your boss and her board members.


Each student will receive a maximum of 100 points total. The points can be earned as follows:

* Completed Data Sheet based on Internet Research (50 points)

* Completed pictures based on the Illustration Checklist (35 points)

* Presentation of Findings (15 points)

Neatness and spelling will count!!!


You have learned about how computers were developed into what they are today. You can learn more about computers by looking at websites listed below.
