Computer Volume

Computer Volume
Keep it Medium!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Poetry Month...

You will create a book of poems. Copy the site for Step 1.
In Firefox choose FILE + New Tab. In the New Tab that opens, paste the site from Step 1. Follow steps for this first assignment.

1. Open
2. Open Apple or Word doc
3. Select "All About Me," poem
4. Complete + Click "Create..."
5. Hilight poem + paste to Word Proc Doc (WP)
6. Save = First Name + Space + Date
7. Create "All I Want," poem (on same WP doc)
8. Repeat Steps 4-6.

9. Go to our new blog:
10. Click "Kontact Me"
11. Type = Your name, Your email (or use my email:
(If you use your OWN email, you get 25 extra points)
12. Subject = poem
13. Paste both poems in the message box
14. Type code
15. On bottom of page + Click "Send."